Sometimes I am just lazy. Sometimes I like being lazy. I would say that for the past 6 months I have been really lazy. I have been slowly coming back to myself and now I am kind of disgusted about how lazy I have been. The thing about being lazy, at least for me, is it is so easy to fall into the lazy pattern but hard to get out of it.
The sad thing is that I have not only been physically lazy but I have been spiritually lazy as well. Just like you have to build up to get to the level of exercise that you like I have to build back up to the level of spirituality that I was before. I wish I could just jump back to that place but it doesn't work out that way.
So here is my Spiritual workout that I have set so that I can reach that Spiritual strength that I want to be at.

Personal Prayers(Morning, night, and multiple times in between)
Scripture Study 30 minutes
Write slips for my gratitude bowl
Study the lessons for Sunday School and Relief Society
Attend the Temple
Partake of the Sacrament
Serve someone
Do Not
Read or watch things that aren't "virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy"
Think negative thoughts about others.
Think negative thoughts about myself.
Once I have this done then I can add more and more until I have my Spiritual strength back.
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